Episode 51 - A Hand With Many Fingers feat. Colestia
The wonderful Colestia(@colestia3) joins us once again to discuss their breakout hit game "A Hand With Many Fingers", a mystery game in which you uncover the details of a real CIA plot. We barrage him with our shitty game ideas and talk about how great it would be to give people Havana Syndrome.
You can purchase the game here: https://colestia.itch.io/a-hand-with-many-fingers
A podcast that reveals the truth about video games that those other video game podcasts don't want you to know. Co-hosts: Alton, Kay and Reese
Intro music: Video Games by Envyneslies Envyneslies – Video-games
Outro music: Kitty History - Trevor Moore
Thank you to Angelvila for the logo!
Patreon: https://patreon.com/vgatwtoe
Main Account: https://twitter.com/vgatwtoe
Reese: https://twitter.com/yourverygoodbud
ALTON: https://twitter.com/8ALTON8
Kay: https://twitter.com/kayandskittles
Find out more at https://videogamesaretheworst.pinecast.co